comments and thoughts as to how this site can be improved will be greatly
appreciated and taken into consideration. Special Mahalo to Master Brooks
Matsuda, Master Michael Shintaku, the Sacramento Tang Soo Do Association
and Grand Master M. J. Estioko for your support in this endeavor. All we
can do is make it Mo' Bettah!
Last Update: 03/09/01
Maintained by D. Ancheta
text provided in this site was taken from the Western Pacific Tang Soo Do
Black Belt Manual and is the sole property of the WPTSDA and Grand Master
Mariano J. Estioko. The materials contained within shall not be copied ,
revised, or distributed without the written consent of the Board of Directors
and Grand Master Estioko. Unauthorized reproduction of contents of this web
site may be a violation of copyright laws.
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