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Philosophy of the Uniform (Do Bak)

The Western Pacific black and white TANG SOO DO uniform, while distinctive, reflects the Um (Yin)-Yang. The Um (Yin) and Yang are the symbols of two opposing and complementary principles whose indissoluble play and constant metamorphosis represent the roots, indeed the very tissues of the universe in action. As the philosophy of the belt system equates itself to nature and growth, the philosophy of the uniform is an expansion of that philosophy, the philosophy of Universe.

White denotes purity, innocence and is devoid of all color. White is the color of the Tang Soo Do student’s uniform. The student, like the color white, is also pure, innocent and devoid of any knowledge of Tang Soo Do. The student’s growth of knowledge and understanding is reflected through the color of their belt. The Black Belt contrasting on the student’s white uniform signifies that they have reached a point of balance.

The Black and White uniform of the Tang Soo Do Black Belt also is a reflection of that balance, for the wearer of the uniform is now a living example of the Um (Yin) - Yang philosophy. The attainment of Black Belt is the final stage of one life cycle and the beginning of the next. Thus, we see that this is not the end, but more importantly, a new beginning. The Black Belt is now both student and teacher. Once only a taker of knowledge, now a giver of that same knowledge. While remaining on the path to perfection, they are now looked upon as being an example of perfection. The Black Belt student must now realize the principles of the Um (Yin) and Yang and their interplay to fully understand their new role.

The Um (Yin) and the Yang have no moral character, neither is superior nor inferior to the other. Their antithesis is as necessary and as little in conflict as that of the left hand and the right hand striking together to applaud. So too is the way of the Tang Soo Do Black Belt.

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